Posts Tagged ‘consistency’


Day 227 – Satisfaction

December 1, 2010

I’ve finally done it! I’ve gone a full month, thirty days without failing to write something. It doesn’t mean that it was always good or even insightful. It just means that I actually got through a month without missing an entry. I’ve been at this quite a few months now and have not been able to stay as consistent as I initially set out to be. So this feels good!

As we move into the month of December I know things will get a bit spotty as I am leaving in eight days for my UK trip! I’m not sure how often I will get to a computer but I will definitely make the effort as I am expecting to be hit with genius inspiration often. Okay, maybe not genius but inspiration nonetheless. Being somewhere different and new can do that.

At the end of the week we go back into the studio again for a few days. Things are starting to gel together. It’s nice. I’m starting to get excited again. There’s something about creating that gets my heart racing. I can’t quite put my finger on it but it’s definitely what gets me out of bed in the mornings – or afternoons. Depends on the night I’ve had before.

Needless to say, I am very satisfied right now. 🙂


Nowhere Girl